Keep Your New Year’s Resolution For A Clean Home

clean home

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a fabulous holiday, spending lots of quality time with friends and family. And now that it’s the beginning of the year, you have a clean slate and a clean home! Whatever your resolutions are for this year, be sure one of them is to keep your home as tidy and clean as you have always wanted it to be. This is your chance to get ahead of things and stay on top of cleaning so that you have a house that you love coming home to.

The #1 item that will help you keep your home clean and sanitized is to have your carpet, rug and upholstery professional cleaned. Your tile and granite most likely also need some much-needed attention. Having the basics covered will motivate you and your family to keep the house picked up year round.

Here are a few rules to help you tame the clutter in your house:

Rule 1: When in doubt, throw it out.
Rule 2: Use it or lose it.
Rule 3: Efficiency counts, so store things accordingly.

Relax. A cleaning routine needn’t consume your life – or even a big chunk of your time in 2019. Keeping the big items in your house clean will help keep the rest neat and tidy.


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