For many families, pets are a vital part of their family unit. Just like other family members, we normally don’t get rid of them when they have “accidents.” While pets can and do provide a variety of benefits within households, their “accidents” can also create challenges. Pet urine on carpet, rugs and upholstery can do much more than cause unpleasant odor.
Facts You Need to Know About Pet Urine in Your Carpeting!
Urine deposited on carpet does not stay on the surface. It also penetrates the fibers and contaminates both the backing of the carpet and the flooring material below the carpet. Often, without your knowledge, pets will urinate continually in the same general location, causing significant contamination and damage.
Urine odors can permeate from the floor, be it cement or wood, from the tack strips, and even from the framework of the house behind the walls.
As urine dries, the liquid evaporates but the urine crystals become even more concentrated and pungent. Simple cleaning will not remove this odor. In fact, these urine crystals are frequently re-activated by moisture. Have you noticed that urine odors become more noticeable as humidity increases? Similarly, the moisture of any cleaning process may cause the urine odor to become more pronounced.
Pet Urine Odor Removal
How P.U.R.T. Works Our proprietary P.U.R.T. process is unparalleled in the industry. It’s specifically formulated to breakdown molecules found deep in the carpet that cause the source of the odors.
First, our trained professional will do an inspection of your carpets with a special ultraviolet light. This light exposes any problem areas and odorous urine deposits that may not be visible to the naked eye.
Next, the carpet will be rinsed with our deep cleaning, patented Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process to remove any liquid or loose urine crystals.
Then, we apply our amazing odor removal product, P.U.R.T., to each individual stain. P.U.R.T. travels deep into the carpet, pad and even the sub-floor reaching areas that typical cleaning process cannot reach.
Once P.U.R.T. has been applied, P.U.R.T. will go to work breaking down all the odor-causing elements over the next 24 to 36 hours. When each treated area is dry, the odor should be gone for good. If the treated area gets wet or damp again, the urine scent could get reactivated.
Tested and Proven Superior Results
An independent laboratory recently conducted multiple tests of our P.U.R.T. process to determine its effectiveness in treating pet urine odors and stains. In tests against the most common odor sources found in dog and cat urine, this study found that P.U.R.T. removes an average of 99.9% of pet urine odors from carpets.